Jan 7, 2021
I like to look outside of the wedding industry when it comes to marketing trends, growth strategies, and predictions.
I believe looking completely outside of the wedding industry for new marketing, sales, and growth strategies gives us a competitive advantage and can cleanse our palette from all of the industry noise.
In today's episode, I'm sharing several 2021 Marketing Trends that I gleaned from articles on HubSpot, Social Media Today, and NetHunt.
Then, I'm taking you through how each trend could be applicable to the wedding industry in 2021 and how you can capitalize on that trend.
Ready? Let's go!
Links Mentioned in
Today's Episode:
Content Creation Bundle from She
Creates Business
Marketing Trends to Watch in
2021 by HubSpot
7 Digital Marketing Trends of Focus
for 2021 by Social Media Today
Hottest Content Marketing Tips for 2021 by NetHunt